Friday, April 24, 2009

the garden - initial and week 1

Ry and his dad built a great garden Holy Saturday. Easter Sunday, Ry's mom Terri and I planted our veggies and herbs. The garden includes sweet onions, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes, red bell peppers, petite orange bell peppers, sugar snap peas, jalepenos, summer squash, cilantro and basil! We only planted the peas and squash by seed, and they are already growing! I'm going to have to cull out about 2/3rds this weekend, so let me know if you want any!

Here are some pictures. I'll try to take 'em weekly and update you on the progress. To date we've only have eaten the basil and cilantro.

Planting with Terri

Initial garden

Garden - week 1

The squash coming up

The peas coming up

And how we water the garden, with Nate in the back pack! He loves being close to the plants and see what Mommy's doing!

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