Saturday, November 01, 2008


One of our neighbors put up white lights this week. I was hoping that it was for Halloween, but they were white icicle lights and a white christmas tree of lights in their front yard. I'm trying to convince myself that they were dressing up their house for Halloween, but the lights were still up today... craziness!!


Amber said...

Couldn't we just focus on the fall festivities at hand and gear up for Thanksgiving now people!?!

Well, I guess if Christmas is your favorite time of the year, may as well drag it out for a few months ;)

Anonymous said...

My goodness... it really does get earlier every year. We still have Thanksgiving in the middle of it all!

Kimberly said...

Are you serious?

Your neighbors need a sign in their yard to go along with the lights:

"We are overachievers!"