Saturday, May 31, 2008

a message on behalf of pumpkin...

I'd like to invite you sponsor me for the 14th Annual Texas Alliance for Life Walk 2008 (even though Mommy doesn't work there anymore). She has been training hard (well, maybe that's just to get ready for me), so we won't let you down. The Walk will be on June 7 in Austin, June 21 in Seguin and June 28 in Georgetown. We probably won't make it to any of the "official" walks, and just walk on our own (you know, Texas heat and all). The funds promote the sanctity of innocent human life and to raise funds for life-saving programs and agencies in our community.

100% of the proceeds will support these programs and agencies, and all donations are tax-deductible.

You can sponsor me here. Last year Mommy and Daddy raised over $1100 and I hope to beat that! I've already raised over $600!!! If you have any questions, just ask Mommy. If you have sponsored our family in the past 2 years, we thank you!!

Can't wait to meet you!!

Pumpkin, age 37 1/2 weeks

Friday, May 30, 2008

4 week update...

Well, I have been officially out of work for 4 weeks now. This week I've been a bit discouraged on my progress in getting everything ready, so I decided to write down what I've done since my last day at TAL on May 1. Made me feel a bit better...

Infant/Child/Adult CPR and First Aid class
Breast-feeding class (at hospital)
Infant Care class (at hospital)
Almost done with our Bradley Birth classes

Doctor appointments:
Weekly with ob/gyn
dental appointment (not very comfortable at this stage...)
almost weekly diabetic appointments (and got GD under control - without medication!) - and I have to include lots more exercise to keep this under control!
interviewed and chose pediatrician (thanks for the great recommendation Shana and Sharon)

NFP/FC stuff:
wrote letter to Dr. Hilgers for a client
5 appointments

Social engagements:
our 6th wedding anniversary!
several lunches with friends
wonderful baby shower
my parents visited for 2 weekends
Aggie Girls Night
joined and attended Moms' group at our parish
walking dates with friends (thanks Sara and Shana)
set up meal website for a friend who is due this week (I just love it this great website Care Calendar)
Pumpkin has raised over $500 for the Texas Alliance for Life Walk 2008

Baby Prep:
decided on a photographer for Pumpkin's first year (and won a $200 gift certificate)
set-up nursery - designed room set-up, washed newborn clothes, purchased some items we had yet to receive, etc.
finished baby shower thank-you notes
began updating our will
found gifts from pumpkin for his/her godparents
created birthplan
finished Secrets of the Baby Whisperer
almost done with Happiest Baby on the Block

Prep for house:
tried to complete weekly blessing hour (if you haven't heard of Flylady, check out the link!)
deep cleaned kitchen, guest bedroom, baths, laundry room, office, nursery, our bedroom, my closet, and our master bath
prepped 14 frozen meals for when bambino arrives
2 huge loads of stuff to Goodwill (including 6 bags of my clothes!)
4 boxes of books donated to our local library
began weekly menus (and tried to stick with them)
tried to go to the grocery store weekly (a big feat for me)

Okay, well that looks impressive. Guess my type A personality was getting the better of me...Sometimes you just need to write it down, and sit back, and reflect. Yesterday was 37 weeks, and it seems like things this week have slowed for me - taking more time to get out of bed, do simple errands, etc. As a friend of mine reminded me recently, I will never have this time again. This time just to relax and prepare. And my house is ready, maybe not perfect in my eyes, but I think it would be perfect in a baby's. It is our home!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

36 weeks...

Well, here we are - 36 weeks! Can I tell people now that I am 9 months pregnant? Or will that freak people out?

Seems like Pumpkin and I finally got this gestational diabetes under control. We tried diet with no exercise, didn't work. We tried medicine, made me hypo-glycemic. And this past week, we tried diet and exercise, and to my (and my perinatalogist's surprise) we finally got it under control!! Whoop! Now we don't have to take that awful medicine, go for weekly ultrasounds, or BE INDUCED!! Ry has been such a great support - making me walk and exercise even when I didn't want to. It's been so hot lately, I didn't want to walk a couple nights ago, so we played Wii Sports for awhile. I'm not too good (could be this extra weight and all), but at least we were moving around and sweating.

I can't believe it has been 3 weeks since my last day at TAL. Doesn't seem that long... I think I need a post to show off all my nesting...maybe tomorrow when Ry has his Indiana Jones movie marathon!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pumpkin's Austin Baby Shower...

Yesterday we celebrated Pumpkin with a baby shower here in Austin. I am blessed to have 6 wonderful friends who offered to put it on. The funny thing was that most of them met for the first time at the shower!

Here they are from left to right:
Sharon - my Catholic compass and wonderful prayer partner
- my former roommate in college, bridesmaid, etc.
- a friend who has mirrored my life - moved to Austin at the same time, got married a week apart, pregnant together, etc.

- my wonderful NFP teacher and support with our infertility
- my former co-worker and wonderful cheerleader
- my husband's best friend's wife who has become one of my closest friends

My mom, sister and me

Me and my sister Tessa, and the cute rocker she painted and was given to Pumpkin by her and my mom

And I was very fortunate to have several other pregnant mommas at the shower. We may have to all get together in November for an updated photo... From right to left they are:
Rowena, due end of May
Lisa, due mid June
me, due June 19
Robin (due end of August)
Paula (due beginning of October)
Kristy (due middle of October)

Thanks again for everyone who helped prepare this special day, and helped us in all the things we need for our little one. Just a few more weeks...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

update on the GD...

Well, looks like my readers have been praying hard for me and Pumpkin because...we have stopped taking the gestational diabetes medication!! yea! Seems like it was working a little too much, and my ob/gyn wanted me to get off it for a week. So, I'm going to work *super hard* this week to get the diet just right, and exercise, so that we don't have to go back on it. At least 3 times in the past week I have become hypo-glycemic (light-headed, shaky, fast heartbeat, etc.).

Thank you!! And we will keep y'all updated! Already 35 weeks tomorrow....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

my friend Emily...

My friend Emily found this posting for me. Beautiful. Thank you!

If you want a fun read, check out her blog! Always keeps me laughing and smiling of her experiences as a mom of 5! Now I remember going to her wedding...and hanging out at St. Mary's even before she met her husband!! How wonderful to have blogs to keep up with each other's lives!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

6 1/2 years...

Last week we went to Green Pastures to celebrate our anniversary. We went there 6 years ago when Ryan proposed. Here we are then...

And here we are last week, 6 1/2 years later. Just little bit different!

And Happy Mother's Day too!

Friday, May 09, 2008

34 weeks...

I can't believe it, we are at 34 weeks! Amazing! Here's a photo of me earlier this week at 33 weeks. Some days, I feel like I haven't changed, others I feel huge. I think we can go with huge in this photo...

We've had some difficult news this week. Seems like diet has not been able to manage my gestational diabetes, so I've been put on medication (low dose, mornings only). But, since I am on medication, this means weekly ultrasounds to check on the baby's size, and that I will probably have to be induced before my due date. There are other risks, including high chance of stillborn, bigger baby, etc.

It has been difficult for us to deal with this. Seems like soo much has been out of our control with this pregnancy. I know that it will prepare us for our child, and in a few weeks, I will be holding him or her and it will be all worth it. Just hard to see that at this time.

So, just keep us in your prayers. I am hoping that perhaps with increased healthy eating and exercise I can stop taking the medication, and we can try to proceed as naturally as possible. But, if not, we will continue on. May not be my "ideal" pregnancy or birth, but what really is?

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Majella Society dinner

Last month, Ry and I attended the Majella Society 4th Annual Benefit Dinner. We had a great time at the table of our good friends, the Gretencords. I think we had the most pro-baby table at the dinner!

Sharon and Adam (parents to 4, most recently Gianna, born September 07)

Mike and Mary (parents of 2, grandparents to 5)

Shana and James (parents of Thomas, born December 07)

Rowena and Dustin (baby due end of May)

And us (due mid June)

And a few pregnant momma photos!

Me and Nicole (who had her daughter Caroline on Monday! Yea!)

And lastly a cute momma photo of Rowena and me! What a great event! Thanks Sharon and Adam for inviting us!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

Wow! Today is our 6th wedding anniversary! Amazing!! It was about this time that we were getting to the church, doing some photos, and getting ready for the vows. Today we went to that same church, our parish, St. Albert the Great, and our pastor gave us an anniversary blessing. How wonderful!

We sure have had a great few years! We've been able to travel, bought a house, and brought 4 souls into this world. Thank you Ryan for being my partner through all this. You are my best friend and I cannot imagine my life without you! I am a better person with you. Can't wait to go celebrate tonight at the place you proposed to me, Green Pastures.

I was going to post some photos from the wedding, but that's a sore subject...a different photographer showed up at the wedding, ran out of film, did a poor job...

So, here is my favorite from our honeymoon - a week in Kauai, Hawaii! It was amazing!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

my last day...

Today is it, my last day of work. I thought it would be interesting to chronicle my work experience, since this afternoon I become a full-time mom...

Following college, I worked for almost 2 years in Houston as a software installer at Universal Computer Systems (now called Reynolds and Reynolds).

Then I moved to Austin, without a job, hoping that the tech boom would make it easy for me. Within a couple weeks, I found a job working as the administrative assistant, with the Office of Youth Ministry with the Diocese of Austin. Over the next 4 years, we would also take on Young Adult and Campus Ministry.

Then I worked in the office at our parish, St. Albert the Great. I scheduled wedding and baptisms, and did general office work. It was great meeting more members of the parish.

And then I left there, in December of 2006, to become the Director of Community Development at Texas Alliance for Life. It has been a different job for me, but lots of what I love (event planning, working with volunteers, etc.). The organization has had a tremendous amount of growth in the past 2 years, and I am happy to be a part of it. The amazing thing is that I only worked there 20 hours a week, and was able to get soo much done. I'm soo thankful for a husband who allows me to work for the great non-profits that I have been associated with.

This week, they had a nice good-bye lunch for me at la Madeleine. And surprised me with a few gifts for our little pumpkin too! I'm really going to miss them! It has been a great time, with great friendships, learning and more! I hope to continue to stay active, and bring our little pumpkin along.

So, as of 2:30 pm today, I will be retired. Retired from my "regular" jobs, in order to prepare me for my vocation as a mom. I'm excited about this new journey, and so very thankful!!